Habilidades epicas dadas por el DM

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1. **Limit Break: Elemental Fury** (Base on player element)

   - **Trigger:** When the character takes elemental damage (fire, cold, electricity, acid, or sonic) equal to 25% of their maximum hit points in a single hit.

   - **Usage:** Once per day.

   - **Effect:** The character temporarily gains immunity to the triggering element and deals additional damage of the same type with their attacks for a number of rounds equal to 1 per every 4 character levels.

2. **Limit Break: Time Dilation** LE TOCO A ANDREI

   - **Trigger:** When the character successfully rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll.

   - **Usage:** Once per encounter.

   - **Effect:** The character enters a state of heightened perception. They gain an additional turn after this one, which can only be used for attacking or casting a spell. This effect lasts for one round.

3. **Limit Break: Resilient Defiance**

   - **Trigger:** When the character is reduced to 0 hit points or lower.

   - **Usage:** Twice per day.

   - **Effect:** Instead of falling unconscious or dying, the character remains conscious and active with 1 hit point for a number of rounds equal to 1 per every 4 character levels. During this time, it gains a +10 bonus to AC, all saving throws, and attack rolls.

4. **Limit Break: Celestial Beacon**

   - **Trigger:** When the character or an ally within 30 feet is critically hit or slain. LE TOCO A WILL

   - **Usage:** Once per encounter.

   - **Effect:** The character radiates a powerful aura of hope and determination. All allies within 60 feet gain temporary hit points equal to the character's level, a +5 bonus to all attack rolls and saving throws, and they can reroll one failed saving throw during the next three rounds once.po

5. **Limit Break: Prismatic Unleash** (Base on player element) LE TOCO A BRYAN

   - **Trigger:** When the character is hit by a critical hit.

   - **Usage:** Once per day.

   - **Effect:** The character releases a dazzling prismatic burst, creating a 60-foot cone of multicolored energy. All creatures in the area take damage from each energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, and sonic). The damage is equal to 20 points per character level (Reflex save for half damage).

6. **Limit Break: Avatar of Legend** LE TOCO A ROLO

   - **Trigger:** When the character is reduced to 10% of their maximum hit points or lower.

   - **Usage:** Once per week.

   - **Effect:** The character undergoes a profound transformation, becoming a legendary entity for one minute (10 rounds). They gain temporary hit points equal to twice their maximum hit points, flight, immunity to most conditions (stunning, mind-affecting effects, fear effects, ability score damage and drain, energy drain and level drain), and their attacks deal double damage. After the minute expires, they fall unconscious for 48 hours.

7. **Limit Break: Astral Ascendancy**

   - **Trigger:** When the character's hit points drop to 10% or less of their maximum.

   - **Usage:** Once per week.

   - **Effect:** The character's form transcends the material plane, becoming a luminous astral being. They gain temporary hit points equal to four times their character level, the ability to fly at incredible speed, and they can make attacks that bypass damage reduction. This transformation lasts for one minute.After the minute expires, they fall unconscious for 24 hours.

8. **Limit Break: Timeless Warrior**

   - **Trigger:** When the character successfully confirms a critical hit.

   - **Usage:** Once per encounter.

   - **Effect:** The character enters a state of heightened perception. They gain an additional standard action on their turn, which can only be used for attacking or casting a spell. This effect lasts for one round. After the extra turn, the character is fatigued.

9. **Limit Break: Planar Fusion**

   - **Trigger:** When the character is subjected to an attack or effect that would banish or banish them from their current plane.

   - **Usage:** Once per day.

   - **Effect:** The character merges with the essence of their current plane, becoming an embodiment of its energy. They gain immunity to all damage types associated with that plane (e.g., fire on the Plane of Fire), and they can project waves of energy, dealing damage to all nearby creatures. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 per every 4 character levels.

10. **Limit Break: Divine Retribution**

   - **Trigger:** When the character is reduced to 0 hit points or lower.

   - **Usage:** Once per week.

   - **Effect:** The character calls upon divine wrath, transforming into a celestial or infernal entity for one minute. They gain temporary hit points, flight, and their attacks become empowered with holy or unholy energy, dealing additional damage to foes. During this transformation, they radiate an aura that grants allies resistance to certain damage types. After the minute expires, they are incapacitated for 48 hours.

11. **Dragon Slayer:**

    - **Trigger:** When the character takes damage from a dragon's breath weapon or natural attack.

    - **Usage:** Once per day.

    - **Effect:** The character channels their prowess as a dragon slayer, tapping into a surge of focused determination and power. Their next attacks are infused with potent dragon-slaying energy, granting the following benefits:

        - Enhanced Damage: The character's attacks deal 2d12 + (character level / 2) additional damage specifically against dragons.

        - Dragonbane Aura: The character emanates a 35ft aura of protection, granting nearby allies +15 bonus to all saving throws against fear effects and the breath weapon of the targeted dragon for the duration of the encounter.

        - Slayer's Precision: The character gains a +20 bonus to attack rolls and +30  damage rolls against the target dragon, reflecting their keen focus and mastery in combating these formidable creatures.

    The effects of Dragon Slayer last for a number of rounds equal to 1 per every 4 character levels. Once the duration elapses, the character is fatigued and temporarily unable to benefit from Dragon Slayer for 24 hours.

12. **Demon Slayer:**

- **Trigger:** When the character takes damage from a demon's attack or spell.

- **Usage:** Once per day.

- **Effect:** The character draws upon their experience as a demon slayer, harnessing a surge of focused determination and power. Their next attacks are infused with potent demon-banishing energy, granting the following benefits:

    - **Enhanced Damage:** The character's attacks deal 2d10 + (character level / 2) additional damage specifically against demons.  

    - **Banishing Aura:** The character emanates a 35ft aura of protection, granting nearby allies a +15 bonus to all saving throws against fear effects and the abilities of the targeted demon for the duration of the encounter.

    - **Slayer's Precision:** The character gains a +20 bonus to attack rolls and a +30 bonus to damage rolls against the target demon, reflecting their focused expertise in combating these malevolent entities.

The effects of Demon Slayer last for a number of rounds equal to 1 per every 4 character levels. Once the duration elapses, the character is fatigued and temporarily unable to benefit from Demon Slayer for 24 hours.

13. Arcane Nexus:** LE TOCO A LUIS

   - **Trigger:** When the character successfully counterspells an opponent's spell of 7th level or higher.

   - **Usage:** Once per day.

   - **Effect:** The character temporarily becomes an arcane conduit, granting them the ability to cast any spell from their class spell list, regardless of spell slots or preparation. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to their character level. However, after the effect ends, the character is rendered unconscious for one hour per spell cast due to the immense strain.

14. Psionic Resonance:**

   - **Trigger:** When the character successfully overcomes an enemy's psionic defense (e.g., by beating their Power Resistance).

   - **Usage:** Once per day.

   - **Effect:** The character attunes their mind to the psionic fabric of the universe, gaining unparalleled psionic abilities. They can manifest any psionic power known to them without expending Power Points for a duration of 1 round per every 10 character levels. Afterward, they suffer severe psychic fatigue, incurring a -10 penalty for each psionic power to all mental abilities and to overcome psionic resistance for 24 hours .

15. Radiant Ascendancy (Related to Angels):**

   - **Trigger:** When the character is reduced to 10% or less of their maximum hit points.

   - **Usage:** Once per week.

   - **Effect:** The character becomes a radiant being, their form shimmering with divine light. They gain a perfect flight based on triple their current movement speed, +50 resistance to all energy types,  a +15 bonus to attack rolls and +25  damage rolls against the evil-aligned creatures. The character's attacks deal 2d12 + (character level / 2)  additional damage to evil-aligned creatures. This transformation lasts for one minute. Afterward, the character is rendered unconscious for 24 hours.