Selune's Staff

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Selune's Staff (Serapia's Staff)

Legenday Unique of Achiel

A staff with a large gem that was made for clerics. The gem glows blue when equipped by one who holds great magic powers. The staff is also famous for choosing who can wield it, as it will feel immensely heavy in the hands of those it deems as unfit to use it.

Holy Sacred Burst Staff of Disruption +10


Character Level: 21+

Ability to cast 7th level Divine Spells

Alignment: Any Good

Be choose by the staff*


Critical x2

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +10 bonus and deal 2d6 of bludgeoning damage. Any undead creature struck in combat directly must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dies + wis mod) or be destroyed. The staff is good aligned and blessed with holy power. It deals +2d6 points of bonus holy (good) damage against all of evil alignment. It bestows one negative level on any evil creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded.

Upon command,the staff is sheathed in luminous positive energy. This energy does not harm the wielder unless it is undead, in which case it takes 1 point of Charisma damage per round it holds the weapon when it is so energized. The effect remains until another command is given. The staff deals an extra 1d6 points of damage to undead (or 2d6 against evil outsiders) on a successful hit,

also it explodes with positive energy upon striking a successful critical hit. (This effect occurs even if the target is normally immune to critical hits.) The positive energy burst does not harm the wielder unless it is undead, in which case it takes 1d4 points of Charisma damage each time the weapon bursts. In addition to the extra damage from the positive energy (see above), the staff weapon deals an extra 1d10 points of damage to undead on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's critical multiplier is x3, add an extra 2d10 points of damage instead, and if the multiplier is x4, add an extra 3d10 points.

- Allows the wearer to have 4 additional turn undeads

- Allows the wearer to do turn undeads as if his class level were seven levels higher than it actually is agains undeads.

- Reduced True Resurrection and Resurrection Casting times to 1 Round instead of the usual 10 minutes, it still requires a full round action.

- Allows the wearer to cast True Resurrection once a week without the material components or spending a spell slot.

- Allows the wearer to cast Resurrection once a day without the material components. A creature resurrected by this spell doesnt have the normal penalties of the Resurrection Spell or spending a spell slot.

- Allows the wearer to cast the Resurrection spell even if it doesn't know the spell or it isnt prepare by spending a 7th level spell slot or by permanently sacrifing 2 points of constitution, normal penalties are applied.